What is Density Sorting, and How Does it Work?

What is Density Sorting, and How Does it Work?

Density sorting is an efficient way to separate two materials with different real densities (mass per unit of volume).
How Does Density Sorting Work?
Density sorting works through a vibratory movement on an inclined treatment base. The permeable base allows for an ascending air current, resulting in a double effect on the treated material. Lower-density products will float without contact with the base and slide to the bottom due to the slope inclination. Meanwhile, higher-density products remain in contact with the base and are pushed to the top due to vibration. The difference in density between products dictates how much granulometric range can be achieved during treatment.

The Benefits of Density Sorting
Density sorting has various benefits that make it ideal for industrial use. It can be used on materials such as plastics, fibres, metals, electronic components, seeds and grains, minerals, ores and many more! Due to its high efficiency and performance capabilities, you'll save time while achieving desired results with minimal effort. With its high-performance capabilities and easy-to-adjust settings for optimal customization, this method will help you achieve your goals quickly and efficiently. Plus, its versatile nature makes it suitable for virtually any material or application.
ALLGAIER MOGENSEN is a market leader in developing this dry separation technology.
Our Densimetric Tables offer an excellent solution for saving resources when separating solids according to their density. Not only are the tables efficient, but they are also entirely waterless, meaning there is no need for heavy drying processes, and consequently, energy savings can be seen.
Our GSort Densimetric Tables are suitable for different applications: from separation of low-density materials like timber and plastics, to debris and higher-density materials like aluminium. With these convenient solutions available, quick and easy separation of solids according to density doesn't have to be a resource-heavy process.

Discover the new GSort GL.

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